How to Create a WhatsApp Channel on Apple: A Comprehensive Guide 2023

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By admin

WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, has recently introduced a new feature called “Channels.” This feature allows users to follow updates from individuals, organizations, and public figures based on their interests. If you’re curious about how to create and use a WhatsApp Channel, this guide is for you!

What is a WhatsApp Channel?

WhatsApp Channels is a one-way broadcasting tool that allows administrators to send text, photos, videos, stickers, and polls to their followers. Unlike regular chats, Channels are designed for one-to-many communication, meaning only the admin can post updates, while followers can view and react to them.

Getting Started with WhatsApp Channels

Before you can create or join a channel, ensure you have the latest version of WhatsApp. You can update the app via the App Store on iOS or Google Play Store on Android. Once updated, you’ll find the “Channels” feature under the “Updates” tab, right below the Status/Stories section.

How to Create a WhatsApp Channel

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the app on your device.
  2. Navigate to the Updates Tab: This is where you’ll find the Channels feature.
  3. Tap the Plus Icon: Located next to the Channels option.
  4. Select “Create Channel”: This will initiate the Channel creation process.
  5. Provide Essential Details: You’ll be prompted to give your Channel a name, description, and profile picture.
  6. Finalize: Tap “Create Channel” again to complete the setup.

Note: The process might slightly vary between Android and iOS due to UI differences, but the core steps remain the same.

Privacy Features of WhatsApp Channels

  • Anonymity: The phone number or profile photo of a Channel admin remains hidden from followers. Similarly, when you follow a Channel, your phone number isn’t revealed to the admin or other followers.
  • Control: Admins can decide who can follow their Channel and whether it should be discoverable in the directory.
  • Data Retention: WhatsApp will store Channel history on servers for up to 30 days, believing there’s no need to keep Channel updates indefinitely.

What Can Admins Post?

Admins have the freedom to post photos, text messages, links, and more on their Channel. They can also block screenshots and forwarding from their Channel to maintain content exclusivity. While followers can’t reply or send messages in a public Channel, they can react to posts using emojis.


Q: Is the WhatsApp Channels feature available to everyone?

  • WhatsApp Channels is rolling out gradually. If you don’t see the feature yet, ensure your app is updated and check back later.

Q: Can the Channel admin see my personal details?

  • No, the admin can only see your name if your contact is saved on their phone. Your other details, like phone number, remain private.

Q: Can I view a Whatsapp Channel without joining it?

  • Yes, you can browse a Channel’s content without following it.

Q: How can I delete a Whatspp Channel?

  • Navigate to the Channel details section and scroll to the bottom. You’ll find the “Delete Channel” option there. Authenticate with your phone number and email ID, and the Channel will be removed.

Q: Are WhatsApp Channels end-to-end encrypted?

  • No, given the aim of Channels is to reach a broad audience, they aren’t encrypted by default.

In conclusion, WhatsApp Channels offers a new way for users to stay updated with their interests, be it from public figures, organizations, or influencers. Whether you’re looking to create your Channel or just be a follower, this feature promises a unique experience on the platform. Happy channeling!

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